Thursday, March 24, 2011

Almost Forgotten Job

Gunung Gading National Park - Home Of The World Largest Flower

Gunung Gading National Park is located in Lundu District of Kuching Division.  It is 96 km from Kuching City and approximately about 1hour and 45 mins drive . Gunung Gading National Park is well known for it's world largest flower , the Rafflesia.

Gunung Gading National Park consist of rugged mountain peaks which provides a scenic backdrop to the nearby beaches at Pandan and Siar. There are waterfalls in the upper reaches of Sungai Lundu for visitors recreational activities. For the more adventurous visitors , they can take a hike right to the peak of Mount Gading which is 900 meters high

The Rafflesia at full bloom can stretch nearly one meter in width. It stays in full bloom for about a week . There is no specific period to observe this flower , so it is better to contact the Park Headquarter before planning to go there.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thought Of Week ( Wk 11)


Things turn out the BEST for people who make the BEST of the way things turn out.

WINNERS make a HABIT of manufacturing their own POSITIVE EXPECTATIONS, well in ADVANCE of the event.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Thought Of The Week

Week 9 , 2011

It's funny thing about life. If you refuse to accept anything but the BEST, you very often get it! - Somerset Maugham.

Tanjung Datu National Park, The Southern Tip Of Borneo

Tanjung Datu National Park is located in Lundu District of Kuching Divion. It is about 90Km from Lundu town and 150 km from Kuching City.  It takes approximately 2hour  drive from Kuching City by road and another 45 minutes boat ride ( depends on the speed of the boat & weather condition ) .

Located at a remote location and boundary of Malaysian -Indonesia , this pristine forest fringed by a beach with clear water is the most beautiful park in Sarawak. Its clear water is ideal for snorkeling and scuba diving and dolphin spotting.

The forest is rich in wildlife such as Bornean Gibbons, pigtailed and long tail macaques, bear cats , civets , numerous species of birds including Hornbills and Peacocks Pheasants. Along the beach , is the nesting ground for green turtles and Olive Ridley turtles.

Shades Of Green

Pitcher Plant - Nephentes